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  • 23 May 2024 1:12 PM | Anonymous


    HB3499 – This bill will add language requiring LIHTC properties only to conduct an individualized review of all criminal history records and the impact on the household’s suitability for admission.  It requires defined criminal history screening policies that state that applicants with felony convictions may only be denied housing if an individualized review shows that the safety of residents and the property.  This policy must include criteria for lookback periods, no blanket denials and procedures for individualized reviews.  Many of our property management members have indicated that this bill is too subjective and may inadvertently lead to Fair Housing issues as it cannot be consistently applied.  This issue could also be more easily addressed through the OHFA rulemaking process rather than a state statute. This has passed the Senate Finance Committee with new language.  Our organization was not given the opportunity to review this draft bill at any point prior to its presentation. You may CLICK HERE to read the new bill.  The bill can now hit the Senate Floor at any time. 

    For those that are looking to take action, the best course is to have your staff contact every Senator by phone and email ASAP.  We recommend you do this prior to the close of business on Monday, April 15, 2024.  We also recommend that you also request Senator Treat and Senator McCortney to not schedule this bill for the Senate Floor.  CLICK HERE for contact information for all the. 

    Talking points include:

    • This bill will cause affordable housing owners and managers to essentially lease to any felon, regardless of the situation, for fear of being sued.
    • The proposed language is too subjective, allowing for varied interpretations and risk of leading to inconsistent application.
    • The cost of compliance with HB3499 that will mitigate risk to property owners and managers will have a negative effect on the production of affordable housing.  Either the rents will need to increase, or fewer units will be produced to cover the administrative burden. Applications for tax credits are highly competitive due to the limited resources and developments with the tightest budgets are the ones that win.
    • Felons that meet certain objective criteria, which is currently fairly lenient, are already allowed to live tax credit developments.  Our developers are in the business of providing housing to low-income households and these developments only provide a return to the investors if the units are leased.  Property managers are already willing to lease to felons provided there is not a safety risk to other residents or the property. 
    • HUD and the IRS already extremely monitor the LIHTC program.  Any proposed state statutes should not impede those rules.
    • The better way to handle these changes would be the OHFA Administrative Rules process.
    • The Oklahoma based affordable housing industry advocates have not been consulted in this work and the impact to their business and industry has not been taken into consideration.
    • This is a very nuanced issue and this bill needs additional input from LOCAL IN-STATE stakeholders before passage.
    • This could lead to reduced investor demand as investors view the felons as increased risk.  The lower demand for tax credit developments in Oklahoma will lead to lower pricing for developments and increased perm debt and increased rental rates.

    When calling the Senators, a simple message with your name and a request to VOTE NO ON HB3499 is sufficient.  You may also add a succinct reason on why.

  • 1 May 2024 10:37 AM | Anonymous

    Increasing Affordable Housing Supply: A Primer of Strategies to Implement

    Housing For Communities, Inc., a regional nonprofit housing organization, is pleased to announce a groundbreaking workshop, "Increasing Affordable Housing Supply: A Primer of Strategies to Implement," scheduled for May 21, 2024, at the MetroTech Springlake Campus. This one-day event aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of essential strategies to address the pressing need for affordable housing in communities across Oklahoma.

    The day will commence with an introduction and welcome from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), followed by a presentation of the Oklahoma Academy Town Hall Results, providing valuable viewpoints and insights from stakeholders across the state.

     Community leaders attending the workshop will gain valuable insights into strategic planning by exploring fundamental approaches to expanding local affordable housing, enabling informed decision-making to bridge the affordability gap.

     The workshop will feature an in-depth exploration of the four HUD Affordable Housing Strategies:

     1. Effective Use of Public Funds: Discover federal and state resources that support affordable housing production, examples of projects, and tips on applying for these federal funds.

     2. Effective Use of Other Funds: Learn about other financing options that support affordable housing development and households seeking homeownership.

     3. Policies, Infill Development & Land Use: Hear about zoning policy research, zoning changes, Guthries’ Build and Invest Initiation and how a local housing development organization puts it all together to create a neighborhood.  Gather ideas for infill development, density bonuses, expedited permitting, working with cities and more.

     4. Development of Public Land & Partnerships: Discover ways to kickstart the production of affordable housing using existing assets through the development of public land and community partnerships.

    The workshop will conclude with a wrap-up session, providing a snapshot of the day's presentations and capturing group thoughts on ways Oklahoma can implement these strategies.

    Registration is $149, available until May 15th at

    Sponsorships are still available through May 3rd.

    This event will provide 8 hours of real estate HOT Topic CE credit.

    Register Today!

  • 23 Apr 2024 7:30 AM | Anonymous

    Affordable Housing Day at the Capitol 4/22/24 - Thank you to our members in attendance who helped us advocate for affordable housing in Oklahoma.

  • 22 Apr 2024 5:05 PM | Anonymous

    WASHINGTON, April 18, 2024 - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Dr. Basil Gooden today announced that USDA will begin accepting applications on April 19, 2024, for financing to build new housing that will ensure year-round and seasonal domestic farmworkers have safe, modern, and affordable places to live.

    This funding availability follows USDA’s recent announcement inviting applications to construct, repair and modify affordable housing units for farmworkers.

    Read full stakeholder announcement.

  • 13 Apr 2024 8:51 AM | Anonymous


    HB3499 – This bill will add language requiring LIHTC properties only to conduct an individualized review of all criminal history records and the impact on the household’s suitability for admission.  It requires defined criminal history screening policies that state that applicants with felony convictions may only be denied housing if an individualized review shows that the safety of residents and the property.  This policy must include criteria for lookback periods, no blanket denials and procedures for individualized reviews.  Many of our property management members have indicated that this bill is too subjective and may inadvertently lead to Fair Housing issues as it cannot be consistently applied.  This issue could also be more easily addressed through the OHFA rulemaking process rather than a state statute.   This has passed the Senate Finance Committee with new language.  Our organization was not given the opportunity to review this draft bill at any point prior to its presentation. You may CLICK HERE to read the new bill.  The bill can now hit the Senate Floor at any time. 

    For those that are looking to take action, the best course is to have your staff contact every Senator by phone and email ASAP.  We recommend you do this prior to the close of business on Monday, April 15, 2024.  We also recommend that you also request Senator Treat and Senator McCortney to not schedule this bill for the Senate Floor.  CLICK HERE for contact information for all the. 

    Talking points include:

    • This bill will cause affordable housing owners and managers to essentially lease to any felon, regardless of the situation, for fear of being sued.
    • The proposed language is too subjective, allowing for varied interpretations and risk of leading to inconsistent application.
    • The cost of compliance with HB3499 that will mitigate risk to property owners and managers will have a negative effect on the production of affordable housing.  Either the rents will need to increase or fewer units will be produced to cover the administrative burden.  Applications for tax credits are highly competitive due to the limited resources and developments with the tightest budgets are the ones that win.
    • Felons that meet certain objective criteria, which is currently fairly lenient, are already allowed to live tax credit developments.  Our developers are in the business of providing housing to low-income households and these developments only provide a return to the investors if the units are leased.  Property managers are already willing to lease to felons provided there is not a safety risk to other residents or the property. 
    • HUD and the IRS already extremely monitor the LIHTC program.  Any proposed state statutes should not impede those rules.
    • The better way to handle these changes would be the OHFA Administrative Rules process.
    • The Oklahoma based affordable housing industry advocates have not been consulted in this work and the impact to their business and industry has not been taken into consideration.
    • This is a very nuanced issue and this bill needs additional input from LOCAL IN-STATE stakeholders before passage.
    • This could lead to reduced investor demand as investors view the felons as increased risk.  The lower demand for tax credit developments in Oklahoma will lead to lower pricing for developments and increased perm debt and increased rental rates.

    When calling the Senators, a simple message with your name and a request to VOTE NO ON HB3499 is sufficient.  You may also add a succinct reason on why.

  • 8 Apr 2024 7:04 AM | Anonymous

    IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED FOR PROPERTY MANAGERS/OWNERS: HB3499 – This bill will add language requiring LIHTC properties only to conduct an individualized review of all criminal history records and the impact on the household’s suitability for admission. It requires defined criminal history screening policies that state that applicants with felony convictions may only be denied housing if an individualized review shows that the safety of residents and the property. This policy must include criteria for lookback periods, no blanket denials and procedures for individualized reviews. Many of our property management members have indicated that this bill is too subjective and may inadvertently lead to Fair Housing issues as it cannot be consistently applied. This issue could also be more easily addressed through the OHFA rulemaking process rather than a state statute. This has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and referred to the Senate Finance Committee. The Senate Finance Committee meets Monday, April 8th at 2:00pm in Room 535. Click Here for committee link. CLICK HERE to view the agenda. Click Here to view all members of the Senate Finance Committee. We recommend that you contact members of the Senate Finance Committee immediately to voice your concerns.

    For those that are looking to take action, the best course is to have your staff contact every Senator on the Finance Committee by phone and/or email ASAP.  CLICK HERE for contact information for all the Senators (listed under the SENATE tab).  Some submitted talking points are available here.

  • 29 Mar 2024 2:43 PM | Anonymous


    HB3499 – This bill will add language requiring LIHTC properties only to conduct an individualized review of all criminal history records and the impact on the household’s suitability for admission.  It requires defined criminal history screening policies that state that applicants with felony convictions may only be denied housing if an individualized review shows that the safety of residents and the property.  This policy must include criteria for lookback periods, no blanket denials and procedures for individualized reviews.  Many of our property management members have indicated that this bill is too subjective and may inadvertently lead to Fair Housing issues as it can not be consistently applied.  This issue could also be more easily addressed through the OHFA rulemaking process rather than a state statute.   This has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and referred to the Senate Finance Committee.  The Senate Finance Committee meets Monday, April 1st at 2:00pm.   Click Here for committee link. An agenda has yet to post.  Click Hereto view all members of the Senate Finance Committee.  We recommend that you contact members of the Senate Finance Committee immediately to voice your concerns.

    For those that are looking to take action, the best course is to have your staff contact every Senator on the Finance Committee by phone and/or email today.  CLICK HERE for contact information for all the Senators (listed under the SENATE tab).  Some submitted talking points are available here.


    HB4018 – This bill will tweak the Oklahoma Affordable Housing Act to more closely mirror the allocation of federal LIHTCs.  Any unused credits at year end may be rolled over to the following year and any returned credits may be reallocated.  This is a revenue neutral item.

    This bill has passed Committee and will be referred to the Senate Floor.

    Please contact your Senator and request they VOTE YES ON HB4018. 

  • 22 Mar 2024 7:18 PM | Anonymous


    HB3499 – This bill will add language requiring LIHTC properties only to conduct an individualized review of all criminal history records and the impact on the household’s suitability for admission.  It requires defined criminal history screening policies that state that applicants with felony convictions may only be denied housing if an individualized review shows that the safety of residents and the property.  This policy must include criteria for lookback periods, no blanket denials and procedures for individualized reviews.  Many of our property management members have indicated that this bill is too subjective and may inadvertently lead to Fair Housing issues as it can not be consistently applied.  This issue could also be more easily addressed through the OHFA rulemaking process rather than a state statute.   This has been scheduled to be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 26th in Room 4S9.  Click Here for the full meeting agenda.  Click Hereto view all members of the Judiciary Committee.  We recommend that you contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee immediately to voice your concerns.

    For those that are looking to take action, the best course is to have your staff contact every Senator on the Judiciary Committee by phone and/or email today.  CLICK HERE for contact information for all the Senators (listed under the SENATE tab).  Some submitted talking points are available here.


    HB4018 – This bill will tweak the Oklahoma Affordable Housing Act to more closely mirror the allocation of federal LIHTCs.  Any unused credits at year end may be rolled over to the following year and any returned credits may be reallocated.  This is a revenue neutral item.

    This bill has been assigned to the Senate Finance Committee on Monday,  March 25thClick Here to view the meeting details and agenda.  Click Here to view members of the Senate Finance Committee.

    Please contact your Senator and request they VOTE YES ON HB4018. 

    HB3704 – This bill will limit contingencies on real estate contracts to 180 days. This is a repeat of a previous bill (SB1168) that we fought in 2022.  This bill limits contingencies in real estate contracts for permitting, zoning, etc to 180 days.  This is simply not enough time for our developments.  An amendment is pending to remove the 180 day limit.

    This bill is scheduled to be heard in Business and Commerce Committee on Monday, March 25thClick Here to view the meeting agenda and room assignment. Click Here to view the Committee members.

  • 12 Mar 2024 5:30 PM | Anonymous


    HB3704 – This bill will limit contingencies on real estate contracts to 180 days. This is a repeat of a previous bill (SB1168) that we fought in 2022. This bill limits contingencies in real estate contracts for permitting, zoning, etc to 180 days. This is simply not enough time for our developments. 

    There has been some confusion or inference to this bill applying only to contracts with the State of Oklahoma. That is NOT how the bill is written. As written, it will apply to all real estate contracts. 

    There should be no limit to the length of contingencies that buyers and sellers are willing to negotiate. There are no known issues with OREC on contingencies. 

    Please contact your Representative and Senator today and request that they VOTE NO ON HB3704!

    *Note: There is an Addendum to remove the 180-day timeline.

    HB4018 – This bill will tweak the Oklahoma Affordable Housing Act to more closely mirror the allocation of federal LIHTCs. Any unused credits at year end may be rolled over to the following year and any returned credits may be reallocated. This is a revenue neutral item.

    This bill passed the House last Friday 73-6 and will move to the Senate.

    Please contact your Senator and request they VOTE YES ON HB4018

  • 12 Mar 2024 5:23 PM | Anonymous


    This bill will add language requiring LIHTC properties only to conduct an individualized review of all criminal history records and the impact on the household’s suitability for admission. It requires defined criminal history screening policies that state that applicants with felony convictions may only be denied housing if an individualized review shows that the safety of residents and the property. This policy must include criteria for lookback periods, no blanket denials and procedures for individualized reviews. Many of our property management members have indicated that this bill is too subjective and may inadvertently lead to Fair Housing issues as it can not be consistently appliedThis has passed the House and is moving on to the Senate. We recommend that you contact State Senators immediately to voice your concerns.

    For those that are looking to take action, the best course is to have your staff contact every Senator by phone and/or email today. It takes approximately an hour to call all 48 Senators about thirty minutes to email all of them. CLICK HERE for contact information for all the Senators (listed under the SENATE tab). Some submitted talking points are available here.

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Andrea Flowers-Householter,

Executive Director

P.O. Box 30661
Edmond, OK 73003

Phone: (405) 406-2721 


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